Our Treatments

Our Treatments

At Sahana Sound, we go beyond conventional wellness practices by offering a bespoke collection of treatments that integrate ancient sound healing methods with the transformative power of meditation.

Our mission is simple: to provide a truly holistic experience that rejuvenates not just the body, but also the mind and spirit. Through the practice of sound therapy combined with meditation, we help our clients cultivate inner peace, clarity, and resilience – qualities that can have a profound impact on their daily life and journey to total wellness.

Immersive Sound Bath

Our signature treatment combines the power of high healing frequency instruments, such as the gong and crystal singing bowls, producing powerful vibrations that resonate deep within the body. As the harmonious tones cascade through the body, each cell is penetrated with restorative energy, promoting a newfound sense of inner stillness that extends far beyond the session.

Crystal Yin Yoga

Experience a new level of relaxation as you gently stretch, bend and breathe whilst being bathed in deeply nourishing crystal frequencies. Through the intentional holding of postures, Yin yoga strengthens the connective tissues and promotes flexibility in the joints. Combined with the gentle, yet profoundly healing frequencies of the Quartz crystal singing bowls, you'll find yourself releasing deep-seated tension whilst creating space for heightened spiritual growth.

Crystal Sound Bath

This crystalline treatment uses the pure, clear tones of Quartz crystal singing bowls and pyramids to gently wash over you, inviting a sense of rejuvenation and restoration. Harnessing the natural healing properties of sound, this treatment is designed to awaken the body's innate potential to heal itself. By working with the subtle energies of the chakras, these resonant frequencies help to release blockages and promote a sense of balance and harmony throughout your entire being.

Tailored to you

Customised Bespoke Treatments

At Sahana Sound, we believe that no two individuals are exactly alike, which is why we provide tailored treatments to cater to your unique preferences. Our customised therapies are designed to take you on a journey to deep presence and serenity that exceeds all previous relaxation experiences. Our highly skilled therapists will work with you to select the perfect instruments and tones to address your specific goals, whether it be stress relief, increased energy or simply a peaceful escape from the demands of everyday life.

discover our hideaways

Escape to a World of Opulence and Tranquility at Our Exclusive Locations

The spa at mandarin oriental
The spa at four seasons

where luxury meets holistic healing

Welcome to the ultimate in luxury and relaxation, where you can experience our world-class treatments at two of the most renowned spa hotels: Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park and Four Seasons Park Lane. These award-winning spas have been recognised as some of the most exceptional in the industry, receiving accolades from prestigious organisations such as Forbes Five-Star and World Luxury Spa Awards. With the serene ambiance and state-of-the-art facilities, the Mandarin Oriental and Four Seasons spas truly are the ultimate destinations for a sound healing spa experience like no other.